



皇冠官网网站生活在一个机械化的世界里. A degree in 机械工程技术 will help you thrive in it.

密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 机械工程技术 degree will give you a solid foundation in the fundamentals of the discipline as well as considerable hands-on laboratory work to prepare you for a career in any number of industries, from large aerospace companies to small manufacturing and custom-design businesses.

强调应用和实现, which differs from the emphasis on theory and conceptual design of an engineering degree, will teach you how to solve problems by first applying engineering analysis and then designing a product that offers a new way to approach the solution.

这种双管齐下的课程的有效性在 the water filter that 机械工程技术 students designed 帮助7名幸存者.2015年尼泊尔发生8级地震.

A more recent example of the innovation shown by 密歇根州立大学丹佛 机械工程技术 students is 当你骑自行车时给电池充电的装置.

As a graduate of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 机械工程技术 degree program, 你可以选择参加工程基础考试, to begin the six-year process to become a registered professional engineer. The latter is often required for forensic (expert witness) consulting jobs or when the health and safety of the general public are involved.


Learn more about the four scholarships open to all Engineering Technology students and the three scholarships specifically for 机械工程技术 students.



The 机械工程技术 curriculum emphasizes both theoretical and practical applications, providing 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students with a solid foundation in mechanical engineering fundamentals, 以及动手实验室工作. This applied engineering emphasis allows students to experience the integration of engineering theory and practice. The MET program offers concentrations in mechanical and manufacturing engineering technology courses that keep students current with industry standards. Mechanical Engineering Technologists are employed in various industries ranging from large aerospace companies to small manufacturing and custom-design businesses applying engineering analysis to solve problems and design to enhance existing conditions. 机械工程技术专业 at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 is aimed to educate students in the theoretical and applied skillsets necessary to work in a wide range of technology industry positions.









了解更多有关课程的信息 EAET课程进展文件

设施 & 资源

机械工程技术专业, along with the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and the 电 and Civil Engineering Technology, 工业设计, 计算机科学, 电脑 Information Systems disciplines are housed in this robust learning environment.

作为一名机械工程技术专业的学生, you will work with advanced technology in the AES Building’s experiential laboratories. 除了, 约克空间系统公司, 由洛克希德·马丁公司的前雇员创立, 球航空, NASA和轨道ATK公司, house its production facilities and 任务 Operations Center in the building, giving you the unique opportunity of working with the aerospace company’s team on the design, 每年生产和控制150至200颗卫星.

您还将受益于四个与工程相关的学生小组, 包括美国机械工程师学会学生分会, 还有机器人俱乐部.



作为一名机械工程技术专业的学生, you’ll have access to the finest advanced technology and experiential laboratories in 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s new 航空航天 and Engineering Sciences Building. Read about our recent 航空航天 and Engineering Sciences Building opening.

You’ll also have the opportunity to work alongside aerospace professionals from 约克空间系统公司, 新大楼里的生产设备是哪一家.

You can gain real-world experience during internships for local companies including Lockheed, 球航空和SwissLog, and you’ll design actual products for companies like these in your Senior 设计 course.

You can also take advantage of four active Engineering-related student groups including the student branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.



作为机械工程技术专业的毕业生, you’ll be a technologist eligible for employment in the following sectors:

  • 航空
  • 航空航天
  • 汽车
  • 学院/大学
  • 电脑
  • 咨询
  • 建设
  • 设计
  • 政府
  • 机械
  • 矿业
  • 产品开发
  • 研究
  • 运输

You’ll find the following types of careers open to you with a 机械工程技术 degree:

  • 机械工程师
  • 建筑工程师
  • 工务技术员
  • 运输工程师
  • 安全工程师
  • 机械制图员
  • 系统分析师
  • 设计工程师
  • 航空航天工程师
  • 工业工程师

根据劳动局职业前景手册, 2016年,机械工程师的平均工资为84美元,190. 如果你向公众提供服务,你需要获得P.E. 许可证.


“The new AES Building and advanced manufacturing classes will allow me to be exposed to the latest processes, 材料和机器. The real-world applications will be advantageous to me as a designer and could help me get a foot in the door within the field.”

莉莉·科内特(密歇根州立大学丹佛 ' 18)


研究生s of 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 机械工程技术 program are employed by Thompson Engineering, 希捷科技, 个人电脑, AMI机械, Garmat美国, 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司, 联邦应急管理局和MIKRON, 等.

They have been accepted for post-graduate study at institutions such as the Colorado School of Mines, 德, 瓦尔登湖大学, 科罗拉多大学博尔德和史蒂文斯理工学院.


The 机械工程技术 is accredited by the ETAC 认证 Commission of 教唆, http://www.AIn addition to the BET.org, under the General Criteria and Program Criteria for 机械工程技术 and Similarly Named 项目.



B.S. in 机械工程技术 with a concentration in either Manufacturing or Mechanical, the Engineering and Engineering Technology department also offers programs including:

  • B.S. 土木工程技术
  • B.S. 计算机工程
  • B.A. 建筑工程项目管理
  • B.S. 电气工程技术
  • B.S. 可持续系统工程
  • B.S. 环境工程
  • 一些未成年人
    • 体系结构
    • 机械工程技术
    • 电气工程技术
  • 几个证书
    • 先进复合材料与制造“,
    • 增材制造工程
    • 电气工程技术



Email or call with any questions regarding the 机械工程技术 (MET) program!





Dr. Devi卡拉

Professor; Director of MET


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